Worship is an integral part of life at Bethany Presbyterian Church. In fact, it’s the primary reason we exist! We’re called by God to set aside time each week to spend in the presence of the Creator, thereby acknowledging God’s gifts to us, confessing our shortcomings, singing psalms and hymns, listening to the Word read and preached, and sharing the Eucharist, thus being nourished for our calling as disciples of Jesus Christ. Worship is a full-orbed experience at Bethany. Classically Reformed, our worship is holistic in nature, engaging all of the senses.
We’re blessed to have an outstanding Chancel Choir, made up of both professionally trained musicians and gifted amateurs who sing a wide range of anthems from all musical periods. Under the leadership of our talented Organist/Director, Derek Martin, the choir sings two major music services each year – one during the Season of Advent, and the other during the spring. The Chancel Choir rehearses in the Choir Room each Sunday morning at 8:45 am and participates in worship from September through May.
Schedule of Sunday Services
- 10:00 – 11:00 am Worship
- 11:00 – 11:30 am Fellowship Time